Join ITA and Dr. Alan Auld and Dr. Joseph Sopko on Wednesday, November 23 at 8:30 am Eastern for a presentation on Ground Freezing for Shaft Construction.

Joe Sopko received his BSc, MSc, and PhD in Civil Engineering from Michigan State University. He is currently the director of Ground Freezing at Keller. He has more than 35 years of experience in all aspects of design and laboratory testing programs related to underground construction projects. He develops business opportunities with respect to geotechnical construction, specifically ground freezing and groundwater control, and routinely provides on-site project management and quality control programs. Dr. Sopko specializes in ground freezing for civil and mining projects world-wide. He is also an adjunct professor at Michigan State University.

Dr. Alan Auld is an Engineering Consultant with more than 40 years of experience in the design of shaft and tunnel linings, underground structures, underground support and consolidation systems, underground plugs, dams and water control systems, temporary works using artificial ground freezing (AGF) and concrete works, particularly long-distance pumping. Alan is the author of more than 50 papers and articles published in books, technical journals and conference proceedings, the majority related to the design and construction of underground structures. He was a co-founder of the original company incorporated in 1989 which became part of the Alan Auld Group of companies, now taken over by Golder.